Three paintings by Allan Kramer Photos of Allan Kramer

Thank you for visiting our gallery! If you are here because you own a painting by Allan Edgar Kramer and you wanted to learn more about him, you have come to the right place. If you own a painting by him that is not in our gallery, we would love to hear about it and […]



“ He was a 19th century realist during [the 20th century,] a period of great artistic experimentation ” Allan Edgar Kramer, named after after the poet Edgar Allan Poe, was born April 29, 1903 in Winigan, Missouri. His parents, were Alice (Melrose Crees) and John Andrew Kramer, a harness maker. Allan learned his father’s trade, […]

Thank you for visiting our gallery! If you are here because you own a painting by Allan Edgar Kramer and you wanted to learn more about him, you have come to the right place. If you own a painting by him that is not in our gallery, we would love to hear about it and add it’s photo if you would send it to us. Please visit our contact page for more information.